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Online and Mobile Banking
Guard Your PIN
Do not tell, give, or type your Akbank Mobile or Akbank Online PIN or the mobile key sent to your phone via SMS and/or your card’s PIN.
Remember: State institutions, security, prosecutors, the police, and financial institutions will never ask you to type or state your passwords or PINs.
When setting your PIN, a secure combination that
does not use consecutive numbers
does not use your or your relatives’ birthdays
does not use the dates of national holidays will keep you safe.
Keep your computer and phone secure
You should carry out system updates for your personal devices regularly and only download apps from sites approved for your device (GooglePlay, AppStore, Windows Store, etc.).
Even when downloading from app stores, you should thoroughly research products not made by known and approved developers before downloading them.
Install antivirus and anti-malware programs on your devices.
Do not open e-mails or SMS messages sent to you without your permission.
Do not open the attachments of e-mails or SMS messages sent to you without your permission. Never believe e-mails or SMS messages that look like they come from Akbank and that ask you to update your information or that direct you to links marked “You have won a prize,” “surcharge rebate,” or “transaction fee rebate.”
Akbank will never for any reason call its customers and ask for their Akbank Mobile/Online PIN or Mobile Key.
If anyone calls saying they are from Akbank and telling you “Your credit card/account has been accessed. If this was not you we will fix it” or “We are going to refund your credit card fee” asking for your Akbank Mobile or Akbank Online PIN or Mobile Key, immediately end the call without giving any information.
Customer Call Center Security Precautions
You will need to use your customer ID number, Turkish ID number, your Akbank Customer Call Center password or your card PIN for all transactions you make via the Akbank Customer Call Center on 444 2525. We strongly suggest that you never share your Akbank Customer Call Center PIN or password with third parties, or keep them written down, or type them into any communication channel other than 444 2525.
When setting your PIN do not use easy-to-guess numbers such as your date or birth.
Do not believe anyone calling from a regular phone or cellphone number claiming to be calling from the Akbank Customer Call Center and asking for your PIN, password, or personal information. If this happens, you can report it to your closest branch or to our Bank on 444 2525.
If you do not want to receive services from the Customer Service Center, you can make this request to our customer liaison officers.
All calls made to/from the 444 2525 Akbank Customer Call Center are recorded.
All transactions you make via the Customer Call Center are kept on record and all records of your transactions are stored securely by our bank as part of customer confidentiality protection.
ATM Security Precautions
Akbank will never call and ask you to type or state your PIN. Never believe such calls and never share your PIN with anyone.
When using an ATM, enter your PIN by covering the keypad with your free hand so no one can see your PIN.
If the ATM panel you are using looks different from usual (a device, a camera, a hole, etc.) call the Akbank Customer Call Center and report it.
When setting your debit or credit card PIN, do not choose numbers that are easy-to-guess such your or your relatives’ phone number or date of birth.
When setting your PIN, do not use number in geometric patterns that your hand movements will give away.
Never write down your PIN.
If your card gets stuck inside the ATM, do not leave the ATM but use your phone to call to call the Akbank Customer Call Center on 444 2525.
If you experience a problem using the ATM, never accept offers of help from third persons and never share your PIN.
Credit and Debit Cards
Avoid shopping using your credit or debit card on websites whose URL does not begin “https.”
When using your debit or credit card to pay using POS machines never let your card out of your sight and make sure you get your card back once payment is made.
Destroy any credit or debit card that has expired.
Take care not to shop or make payments, etc. using your credit card on publicly accessible computers.
If you think your card information has been compromised, call the Akbank Customer Call Center on 444 2525 and inform our Bank.
Fraud and Fraud Protection Methods
Fraud and Fraud Protection Methods
Learn how scammers work and what you need to do to protect yourself from scams.
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Current Threats
Current Threats
Scammers continually keep up with current events; recently, they have been trying to seize your personal information using methods they have developed by using the COVID-19 pandemic that is sweeping our country and the world.
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