Akbank has become the founding signatory of Financial Health and Inclusion Commitment, developed in partnership with 28 banks worldwide and the United Nations Environment Program Finance Initiative (UNEP FI). The signatory banks of the first-of-its kind commitment pledge to disclose measurable targets in financial health and inclusion within 18 months, with annual reporting requirement thereafter.
Akbank CFO Türker Tunalı stated, “Akbank becoming a founding signatory of UNEP FI’s Financial Health and Inclusion Commitment shows the importance our bank attaches to this field. Especially in emerging markets, access to financial services is critical for development and economic growth. For our companies and individuals to become economically stronger, financial institutions need to diversify their products and services and develop solutions that support financial health. In our sustainability strategy, which we announced at the beginning of this year, we have determined financial inclusion as one of our focus areas. With our approach to financial inclusion, we develop products and services that will meet the expectations of all our stakeholders. We have created special financial supports for different groups such as youth, SMEs, women and entrepreneurs. We also contribute to the financial health of our customers with our projects for the development of financial literacy. We will announce measurable targets in financial inclusion and health in the coming period by supporting this new initiative of UNEP FI, together with the leading banks worldwide. We hope to lead our industry in this area through transparency and raising awareness.”