
Akbank supports the Turkish Economy through TL 990 billion in loans in the first half of 2023

Evaluating the financial performance of Akbank in the second quarter of 2023, CEO Hakan Binbaşgil stated, “Despite the adverse effects of the earthquake, the Turkish economy maintained its steady growth trend in the first half of the year. Meanwhile, the Turkish banking sector continued to support the sustainable growth of our country. With its unwavering belief in Turkey's future Akbank also remained committed to providing resources to the economy and the real sector.”

“We provided loans of TL 990 billion to the economy in the first half of 2023”
Binbaşgil continued, “In the first half of 2023, the loan support we provided to the economy increased to a total of TL 990 billion with TL 782 billion in cash loans. Our deposits reached TL 1 trillion 6 billion, while our assets reached TL 1 trillion 527 billion. With our strong capital adequacy ratio of 19.3%, we continued to support the growth and development of the real sector. Akbank reported a consolidated net profit of TL 31 billion 18 million.”

“In the last 1.5 years, we managed to increase the number of our active customers by 3.6 million”
“In the first half of the year, we achieved net active customer base growth of over 1 million. Thus, we managed to increase the number of our active customers by 3.6 million in the last 1.5 years. This remarkable development had a substantial impact on our revenue generation and market share gains."

“Akbank’s people are behind our successful results”

“For a long time, we have been making significant investments in our technology. As a result of the investments we made in line with our vision for the future of banking, we have practices and technologies in digitalization, design, advanced analytics, and infrastructure that exceed international standards. The driving force behind our successful results are Akbank’s people; they developed this vision, turned it into a reality, and carry it forward every day. I am confident that the positive trend we have achieved will also continue in the coming years.

I would like to thank our colleagues for their successful performance in the first half of 2023 and all our stakeholders, especially our customers, for the trust they place in us.”

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